$175.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Drawing Lab Course 3 Payments

Draw with confidence and boost your creativity! 

What you'll get in the Drawing Lab course:

  • Powerful, proven drawing exercises that give you confidence in drawing  
  • Ways to use drawing to de-stress and find calm 
  • Approaches to use drawing as a way to challenge your brain to think of creative solutions
  • A supportive, judgment free community
  • A mentor artist that supports you no matter where you are on your drawing journey.

What People Are Saying:

I learned not to use an eraser and that there’s no such things as mistakes. Before, drawing used to be somewhat stressful because I couldn’t get what I wanted but now I just do whatever feels right. If I do something that wasn’t planned I find a way to work with it. I’ve become a lot more comfortable with drawing so thank you!

Nishat R.

Even though I am a painter, and participate in local sketching groups, I had gotten away from the techniques and practice that are the basis for drawing. All of the different mark making exercises, drawing with opposite hand, both hands, eyes closed; drawing your feelings, your senses, blind contour, all of these helped me to SEE more clearly and DEEPER.

Susan M.

I enjoyed the exercises so much I used many of them with my friends and children that visit me for fun rather than playing games. This led me to return to art school. The freedom and confidence your method gave me inspired this burst of enthusiasm to really get involved in art creating!

Anne G.