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365 Daily Drawing Prompts for less than 27 cents a day!

Imagine never staring at a blank page again and wondering what to draw. 


What you'll get:

  • A daily creative & inspiring drawing prompt in your inbox every day of the year
  • An easy way to jumpstart a daily drawing practice
  • A monthly drawing "extension" that pushes your creativity further: "Drawing Bingo," "Drawing Scavenger Hunts," Drawing Trackers" and more
  • An easy way to de-stress 
  • A different approach to drawing and a way to ignite your creative brain!
  • A way to fill your sketchbooks with a range of ideas and experiments
  • Take the pressure off and never wonder what to do
  • Take 10 minutes a day for yourself and draw 
  • Easy to do on a bus, while your waiting for your coffee to brew, outside on a walk
  • Learn how to make drawing a companion in your life!


What People Are Saying:

I found doing the recommended task was actually very empowering. I think societies need for perfectionism is what feels scary for me. These daily challenges though are helping me overcome my thoughts on what drawing is and what perfect is.

Dave B.

I really love this because I found that Deborah’s choice of giving Prompts with written words only was very effective and freeing for me. often in workshops I feel inner pressure to make marks like the instructor is making but with no visual cues to emulate I felt more free to make my marks my way. I plan to continue this practice! I even found myself saying yes my favorite Mark is a comma and even though I didn’t use one on this sketch it just arose I’m thrilled!

Anne A.